In Synod News

Missional Toolbox of the South Dakota Synod

Greetings in the name of our risen brother, Jesus Christ!

You are about to embark upon an adventure of faith with 200 other congregations and 100,000 other Christians as together we seek to live out God’s vision for us: “That All May be Fed.”

This resource provides you with tools and a step by step approach to discovering the ways that God is calling you to “Proclaim the good news to every hungering soul; Share compassion with all who suffer; and Feed all whose bodies lack nourishment.”  New tools will be added to this toolbox on occasion, so return here often.  If you have an idea or suggestion for adding to or improving this toolbox, please send it to Pastor Bill Tesch, our Director of Evangelical Mission.

Missional Toolbox Directory

As you will learn from step by step guide, mission planning involves three great listenings:  Listening to God, Listening to each other and Listening to community.  Out of these listenings, comes your discovery of what God is already up to in your community and what God is calling you to do.  Here is a directory of resources to guide you through this process of discovery…

  • This guide contains the step by step approach to planning.

Questions?  Looking for assistance or someone to come along side you as you begin your planning process?  Contact Pastor Bill Tesch at the South Dakota Synod office.

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