The South Dakota Synod invites you to make a statement of intent to South Dakota and churchwide ministries for 2019. As you consider your commitment, please note this invitation models the spiritual practices of regular reflection and faithful response to God’s abundant grace. We encourage each expression of the church (households, congregations and synods) to engage in these practices regularly. In this way we move beyond ourselves to do God’s work together. You can find stories of our work together by checking out Stories of Faith in Action.

To submit your congregation’s 2019 Statement of Intent for Mission Support, please complete the online form below.

Mission Support is the portion of weekly offerings that your congregation shares with synodical and churchwide ministries for God’s mission beyond the local congregation. Other terms with similar meaning include “proportionate giving,” “tithing” or “benevolence.”

2019 Statement of Intent

Instructions: Please fill out the following form by January 29, 2019. This is so synod council can complete budget work in early February. The synod budget is based on the total of all congregation commitments. If you have questions, please contact Lois Borchardt in the synod office at 605-274-4025 or



    Congregation ID

    Submitted by:

    Your Email


    Address Line 2




    [heading "Mission Support Budgeted for Sharing"]

    [text_content "(Undesignated mission support sent to the synod)"]

    2023 Actual Year Total ($)

    2024 Projected Year Total ($)